Monday, April 28, 2008

Odd Shots Monday

Any idea what's going on here? See 2nd shot below..... This was the 2nd time I'd driven by this old building in Corsicana and been struck by the shadow of the stairs on the wall. This time it dawned on me that a zoom would be a decent Odd Shot!

Visit Katney, our theme hostess for more Odd Shots.


Katney said...

I've found shadows to be pretty fascinating, too. Definitely odd when shot at the right angle. Even the full view looks really good.

Jane Hards Photography said...

There's a lot going on here. I love the angles and the lines on those shadows. Again you've produced another odd shot. Two in day. Thats some shooting.

raf said...

Not only an odd shot, but a great shot in its own right. Thanks, LL, for sharing Corsicana with us. Looks like you're rolling now....I like it!

Anonymous said...

I like these captures. Good detail.
Saludos, Sandra R.